Monday, August 15, 2011

Go Ask Alice

Dear Mrs. Zrihen,                       Reader’s Journal #2                                    08/06/11
I have already finished reading Go ask Alice by anonymous.  On page 31 there is a quote that says “They’re trying to poison me!  Why would they try to poison me?” is important to me because that day (July 10) is the day she started to drink LSD.  Two strategies I used before reading this book were reading the synopsis and the review, also I skimmed and scanned and realized it was a diary.  Two strategies I used while reading were looking up words I didn’t know and I visualized picture of what I was reading.  After I finished reading I thought about the summary of the story and I read the epilogue.  The epilogue was very sad because she dies.
The genre of this book is documentary.  The topic of this book is drugs.  The main idea of this book is that Jay started drinking drugs and now she can’t stop and she hates Bill and all of them.  The main idea is implied because I had to use supporting details.  If I had to give it another title it would be “Drink and die or don’t drink and live”.  I chose this title because it’s the main idea of this but in a shorter way.  There are lots of supporting details.  One, but in the meantime I’m not going to answer the phone or step off our property.  Two, I hate this rotten place and I hate Bill Thompson and all that crowd.  Ill get Gran to buy me a plane ticket to go tomorrow.  She wants to go home because she started drinking drugs ever since she got there.  All three supporting details are .  I think the essential message is don’t do anything for anyone to be something.  I think this is the essential message because she drank LSD instead of soda because she wanted to be cool.  She went to her Gran’s house to visit her old friend, and then they invited her to a party game and gave her a soft drink laced with LSD.  I think her new school is better because they are nicer and the people in her old school drank drugs often. Some text features in the text are dates, bolded letters, footsteps, drawings, and headings.  The dates helped me know the order things happened in.  The dates were bolded so I would read it.  The footsteps helped me understand the meaning of a word.  For example, DT, which meant detention school.  There’s a drawing on the front cover.  And the dates are the headings.  This book is in chronological order.  I know because the dates are in order.  The author’s purpose is to share Jay’s life when she was fifteen and sixteen.  I think Jay believes she should have never went to the party game.  The book is told in first person.  One type of figurative language I found was a simile.  An example of one is I raced home from school and helped Mom clean house like the King of the World was coming, and I made sure we had all the ingredients for orange yeast rolls, my one specialty. 
Five vocabulary words I didn’t know were phony, asparagus, hostility, amphetamines, and eternities.  Phony means not what something is truly meant to be.  Asparagus is a plant of the lily family.  Hostility means unfriendliness.  Amphetamine is an addicting drug.  Eternities means unending times.  And I used a dictionary to figure the words out.  
The text doesn’t relate to me because she drank drugs and bad stuff started happening to her and I never drank drugs.  The text and the world have something in common.  It is that thousands of other people died because of the same problem.   
If I was Jay I would have never went to the party game.  I would rate this book 8, 1 being bad and 10 being excellent.  This book was a great book but it sometimes wasn’t interesting.

                                                                                                            Erika Alban

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